First Cambridge Oral (FCE)
Level: B2.2
¿Quieres un curso que sólo se focalice en el Speaking?
¿Quieres una persona experta en exámenes de Cambridge que te guíe para empujarte hacia la perfección?
Es un curso online de preparación para el examen oral de B2 de Cambridge. También conocido como FCE, el B2 First es un examen diseñado para aquellos estudiantes o profesionales que desean demonstrar sus habilidades lingüísticas para vivir y trabajar de manera independiente en un país angloparlante.
Requerido por muchas universidades en todo el mundo, el FCE se ha convertido en el certificado básico para poder progresar en estudios académicos ya sea en España como en el mundo.
Este curso es para ti si, además:
Hi, I’m Anna!
I’ve been a teacher of English all my life and helping students from many countries succeed in their Cambridge exams. I was a Cambridge Oral examiner for about 15 years in both The Buenos Aires Open Centre and the Servei de Llengües Modernes in the university of Girona. There I also got to know the most incredible people. Some of them have been friends ever since.
Today, I thanks to the online mode, I prepare students from all over the world to become high achievers in their speaking skills.
I believe in every course we do we can learn more if we are in an enthusiastic and caring environment. I try to always bring joy to my classes and make my students bond. Some have even found their soul mates in my courses. Not bad for ‘just an English class’, don’t you think?
Is an online exam preparation course designed for students who want to excel at their exam by focusing on speaking and pronunciation.
B2 First Cambridge Oral
As you may well know, in a Cambridge exam
The Speaking part is always face to face, no matter if it’s paper-based or computer-based. So, in the exam, you will have to speak face to face with a companion -or two- and two examiners. This is to ensure a more realistic and reliable measure of your ability to use English to communicate. It’s important to work on your voice, your posture when speaking, your pauses. Everything counts!
You need to know in detail the structure of the exam parts and their timing. To be successful, training is essential. You will need to know what type of output is expected of you in each part, i.e., what you say in what type of situation: interview, monologue, dialogue, 3-way conversation.
The examiners will just guide you along the exam. They will not correct you if you are right or wrong or encourage you. You must handle your emotions and be able to paraphrase or ask politely for repetition, for example. You must know what to say in each moment and how to react to the unexpected.
Don’t leave it to the last minute to get proper training.
As an examiner, I’m aware that students are unique, and even if they are tested in pairs, each mark given is for this person only. So, my approach in this course is to accompany you, the student, all along the process in a personalised way.
This includes personalised online sessions include:
Detailed practice of the 4 parts of the Speaking exam.
Online mock exams in real time
8 live sessions of 45 minutes, individually or in small groups. (max.5 people) with my personalised, expert guidance.
30-minute initial and final assessment:
Initial: to determine your speaking skills and set goals.
Final: to reflect on your practice and set last minute adjustments before the real exam. (this can be done soon before your actual exam)
Intensive exam-practice audio and video tasks
2 full mock-exams
updated exam materials and tools.
videos and audios from other candidates for analysis.
tools to develop your vocabulary and pronunciation.
detailed feedback after every session.
Tracking of your exam results (if you choose to register through me).
Our pricing
Former students:
New students:
bring a friend along…and get 10% discount – offer valid till September 30. First come, first serve.
Maybe you like the idea, but you don’t know if it will be the right decision for you. That’s ok. You don’t know me, and I understand that.
Just let me tell you that in any of my online courses, I offer a 15-day guarantee with full refund. You will just have to complete the first week introductory live session and send the first task required in the first module. Zero risk. Only your commitment that you have tried.
If you prefer, book a 15-minute free call with me. I will gladly answer your questions or doubts. In Spanish, English or in Catalan. Your call.
If you sign up by September 22, there’s NO enrolment fee.
Join our waiting list for the special edition in OCTOBER 2023.
Información básica sobre protección de datos
Responsable: Ana Elisa Nadal Sosa
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